

Gratitude is Gradually Uprooting Cynicism

“It’s tough to articulate what occurs during a session of Equine Guided Education. The ordinary setting may fool you into thinking nothing profound is happening.

There’s you. There’s Felisa, your facilitator. You’re seated together at a table in the middle of a corral. You talk.

There’s Apollo and Bay Boy, two horses who may initially just be grazing on grass. As you speak, encouraged by Felisa’s inquiry, you approach what’s true for you – what’s in your highest interest to be doing with your life. As you near that truth, the horses will come near you. As you shy away from that truth, the horses may shy away from you. Horses know heart!

Apollo, the extrovert, may wander over and pick up the box of trinkets on the table, imploring you to make a blueprint of your ideal life, with the various tchotchkes symbolizing things like family, a job, a home, a business venture. Bay Boy, the introvert, might hang back and meditate, but his perked ears indicate that he’s listening and interested. Both horses may nuzzle you, or signal something to you with their body language, or silently support the clarity you are developing.

The details of your session will be unique to you. For me, some real serendipity followed. Within days, I realized that my job had become too stressful, and I found myself telling my manager, “I can’t do this anymore.” Within weeks, I received a full scholarship at a healing center in a foreign country – a wished-for result I had mentioned to Felisa and the horses. Opportunities and offers have opened up where a feeling of stuck-ness had been. More importantly, I can feel myself being aware of when I’m acting from love and when I’m acting from fear. Gratitude is growing in place of cynicism.

I believe your results will speak for themselves, and I wish for you whatever your heart calls for.

Felisa, thank you for the decades of work you’ve done on yourself to offer this healing modality, and thank you for seeing the polished mirror that horses can represent when you open to what they have to teach.” – D.G.