

Sessions with Felisa and her horses are extremely peaceful. If you are looking for direction and renewal, I highly recommend a session with Felisa and HHFH!

These sessions are unique and led by the horses, it is a collaborative session with you, Felisa, and the horse(s). By working together, it creates a collective intuition that resonates strongly and gives clear insights and direction.

If you need more, I could embellish it a little here:

Embarking on a journey of intuitive work with horses has been nothing short of transformative, and I owe it all to the remarkable guidance and expertise of Felisa. From the moment I stepped into the serene presence of these magnificent creatures, I felt a profound connection unlike anything I’ve experienced before.

Under Felisa’s gentle guidance, I learned to listen not just with my ears, but with my heart and soul. Through exercises in mindfulness, presence, and subtle communication, I discovered the power of non-verbal dialogue and the immense wisdom that horses possess. With each interaction, they mirrored back to me my own emotions and intentions, offering invaluable insights into my inner world.

What truly sets Felisa and her horses apart is their intuitive ability to facilitate these profound moments of self-discovery. With a deep understanding of both equine behavior and human psychology, they create a safe and supportive environment for exploration and growth. Through their skillful guidance, I’ve learned to trust my instincts, embrace vulnerability, and cultivate a deeper sense of authenticity in both my relationships and everyday life.

The impact of this work extends far beyond the arena, permeating every aspect of my being. I’ve gained a newfound sense of clarity, confidence, and connection that has enriched not only my personal journey but also my professional endeavors. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, healing, or simply a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you, I wholeheartedly recommend embarking on this transformative journey with Felisa and her Horses. It’s an experience that will stay with you long after the hoofprints fade.

-Mary F.